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Virtual Doula Services

I will always prefer to meet my clients in person and offer that one-on-one support that is needed during labor and birth. This is a very strange time for birth environments. With the rise of COVID-19 virus, hospitals are limiting visitors and birth attendants. I am going to do my best to help you through this from a distance. I am decreasing my rates accordingly and offering this digital support option to try to get people the support they need within their budgets while maintaining safety protocol.

Stay safe, and I hope to see you soon. We can use this service to support folks from anywhere with reliable internet.


Payment plans, occasional discounts, and bartering options are available. If you need a doula and are worried about funding, please reach out to see what we can work out together. Special consideration offered to teen, single, and/or transgender parents. 

Virtual Birth Doula

Distance Support for Your Pregnancy and Birth


  • Professional virtual birth doula support

  • Phone and email support during business hours from contract signing to birth.

  • I will be on-call 24/7 for your birth (virtually) from the moment you sign your contract.

  • Two prenatal virtual/phone visits so we can get to know each other, discuss your birth preferences, and get information to prepare you for your birth.

  • Birth Goals Planning

  • Reading recommendations and help finding information to make informed decisions in your birthing time. 

  • Virtual labor support from the start of active labor until an hour postpartum. Backup Doula guaranteed.

  • Emotional support during labor to increase comfort and suggestions for optimal positioning.

  • Guidance and support for your partner to help them best support you during labor.  Your partner’s experience matters, too! You’re a team.

  • A postpartum virtual visit to see how you are doing in the immediate postpartum period and to refer to any resources needed. 


Virtual Postpartum Support

Distance Support for What Happens Next



  • Support for the first 8 weeks after birth

  • Phone and email support during business hours

  • Urgent support after hours 

  • Newborn care basics from trusted resources

  • Feeding Support- lactation & formula feeding

  • Creating a healthy sleep environment

  • Helping you instill healthy habits and routines

  • Sleep solutions and resources to find what fits your home

  • Providing recommendations for trusted local resources

  • How to bathe baby & other infant hygiene

  • Childcare planning and resources

  • Setting up the nursery and the basics you will need

  • Newborn safety (NOT a certification course)

  • Troubleshooting issues that your baby may throw at you

  • Milestones

  • Ways to track the basics of diapers & feeds

  • Pumping basics and back-to-work setup

  • Sibling adjustment support

  • Cloth diapering education and support

  • Some baby wearing support and referrals if needed

  • Referrals to local health and social resources upon request


"As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time."


Love Birth Services

 Text or Call (614) 454-1575

Columbus, OH, USA

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  • LinkedIn - Black Circle


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